Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai |
| Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Business Administration (UG & PG), V.V.vanniaperumal College for Women, 15 years, 7 months |
| Marketing Manager - Promotions, Aurolab, Madurai, 3 years and 5 months |
| Relationship Officer, ICICI Home Loans, Madurai, 1 year and 1 month |
| Analyst, Ajuba Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 1 year and 4 months |
| Head of the Department |
| Management |
| Completed Minor Research Project (MRP) with funding support from VVV College “Exploring Determinants of Financial Literacy and Financial Well-being: A study with special reference to Earning Women in Virudhunagar” in Mar 2023 |
| Completed Minor Research Project (MRP) with funding support from UGC for the topic, “RURAL INSURANCE: EMPOWERMENT THROUGH FINANCIAL INCLUSION” in June 2017 |
| Suganthi P. & Subashini K. (2021). A Study on the Impact of Covid-19 in the Indian Stock Market and in the stock markets of emerging countries of Asia – Kalyan Bharathi, UGC Care Approved Journal, Group I, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal,Vol 36, No 8(1): 2021 |
| Suganthi, P. (2016). Determinants of Financial Performance of Indian Life Insurance sector - Panel Evidence - IUP Journal of Applied Finance. 22(4), 76–89 |
| Suganthi, P (2016). Demographic and socio-economic variables and their role in determining attitude about life insurance and purchase-decision in rural sector, International Multidisciplinary Innovative Research Journal, 1(1) |
| Suganthi, P (2016). An Assessment of Growth Patterns Of Life Insurance Sector In India. International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management. 4(2), 31–46. ARSEAM Publications |
| Rajaram, S., Suganthi, P. & Chong, Gin H., (2015). Financial and non-financial drivers of insurance sector in an emerging economy - International Journal of Accounting and Finance. 5(4), 307–337. Inderscience Publications |
| Suganthi, P (2014). Demographic and Economic Determinants of Growth of Life Insurance Sector. International Research Journal of Management And Humanities.1(1) |
| Suganthi P. & Dharshanaa C. (2014). Interrelationship between FII and Stock Market and their Causal Relationship with Selected Macroeconomic Variables in India. TSM Business Review. 2(1), 29–46 |
| Presented a paper on the topic, “FCCB: An appealing fund raising option for Indian companies” at the National Level Conference on "Contemporary Issues in HR and Financ"’ organized by V.H.N.S.N College, Virudhunagar in July 2010 |
| Presented a paper on the topic, “Do WPI Index Gold & Exchange rates influence stock markets” at the International Level Conference on "Emerging paradigms in business opportunity" organized by V.H.N.S.N college, Virudhunagar in Jul 2012 |
| Presented a paper on the topic, “Board size and Independence’: Do they really matter in determining firm value in top companies?” at the National Level Conference on "Facets of Functional Management" organized by V.H.N.S.N College, Virudhunagar in Sep 2013 |
| Presented a paper on the topic, “Growth of Insurance Sector in India: A functional approach” at the National Level Conference on "Opportunities and Challenges in Industrial Financing" organized by Marthoma College of Science and Technology, Ayur, Kerala in May 2014 |
| Presented a paper on the topic, “Demographic and Economic Determinants of Growth of Life Insurance Sector” at the "International Conference on Enhanced Changes inCorporate Environment" organized by Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science, Chennai in Sep 2014 |
| Presented a paper on the topic, “Does Insurance sector cause Economic growth? Evidence from Indian Insurance sector” at the "5th Annual Finance Conference on Emerging issues in Economics & Finance" organized by Great lakes Institute of Management, Chennai in Jan 2015 |
| Presented a paper on the topic, “Malmquist-index based DEA approach for Efficiency analysis of Mid-sized Public and Private sector banks in India” at the National Level Conference organized by GTN College, Dindigul in Dec 2019 |
| Presented a paper on the topic“Capital Structure And Profitability – Firm Specific Determinants For Banking And Non-Banking Financial Companies In India” at the online International Level Conference’ organized on "Trends & Innovations in Management and Entrepreneurship" by Unique Research and Consultancy Services, Madurai in Apr 2020 |
| Presented a paper on the topic “A study on impact of Covid-19 in Indian stock market and the stock markets of Emerging countries of Asia” at the National level Confernce on "Emerging Management Practices in the Global Pandemic Scenario" organized by Sri Kaliswari Institute of Management and Technology, Sivakasi in Aug 2021 |
| Management Accounting |
| Employability Skills |
| Cost Accounting |
| E-Presentation |
| Indian Capital Markets |
| Investment & Portfolio Management |
| Business Economics |
| Business Statistics |
| Operations Management |
| Financial Management |
| Financial Markets and Services |
| Elite Award for passing NPTEL Exams |
| Best Presenter Award being awarded for presenting a paper in the National level Confernce on "Emerging Management Practices in the Global Pandemic Scenario" organized by Sri Kaliswari Institute of Management and Technology, Sivakasi in Aug 2021 |
| ‘Yadhumanaval’ awarded by Rotary Club, Virudhunagar on the eve of Womens’ day on Mar 8, 2022 |
| Dr. P. Suganthi and Ms.R. Elizabeth acted a s Resource persons in the PMEGP-EDP training orgnaised by Central Palmgur and Palm Products Institute, Khadi and V.I. Commission about the beneficiaries of the training in Sayalkudi, Ramanathapuram District |
| Dr. P. Suganthi acted as a resource person in the online FDP and delivered a guest lecture on the topic, ‘Social Media & E-Commerce” and Ms. V. Swathi acted delivered a guest lecture on the topic, “Recent Trends in Digital Marketing” during the Seven-day online FDP on the theme “ Trainers’ Training on Entrepreneurship” organised by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore and Virudhunagar S.Vellaichamy Nadar Polytechnic College |
| Dr. P. Suganthi delivered a guest lecture in the Student Induction Programme for the First Year MBA and MCA students on the topic, “The Power of Goal-setting” 01.09.2023 at Sri Meenakshi Govt. Arts College for Women (A), Madurai |