The vision of the library is to support the Institution and its stakeholders by providing seamless access to the widest possible spectrum of information resources relevant to the curricular, informational and innovative research needs of the academic community.
The mission of the library is to provide the stakeholders with the information they need to achieve their highest academic potential and help them acquire research skills necessary for lifelong learning.
To impart qualitative and quantitative academic service to the community.
To exploit knowledge through state-of-art technology.
To satisfy the academic needs in turn serve the society through the vision and mission of the college.
♦ Ms.G.Gokila, II M.A. English published a book titled "Why did you Love me" in National Book Writing Fest 2025 and in displayed in National Book Festival, New Delhi.
♦ Ms.R.Geetha, III B.Sc. Microbiology published a book titled "The Last Gift of Love" in National Book Writing Fest 2025.
♦ Ms.M.Shobana Priyadharshini, II MBA shared the information on "My experience and Government Schemes for DIVYANGJAN" through peer teaching.
♦ Ms.K.Dharshini, II B.Com PA shared the information on "Career opportunities" through peer teaching.
♦ Won "OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP" in READERS FEST 2025 at G.Venkataswamy Naidu College, Kovilpatti.
♦ One printed book from VVVC Library titled "Women of Modern India Sister Nivedita Grade 3" has been converted into Accessible e-Book by Ms.G.Pushbashri, Ms.R.Nega and Ms.A.Gomathi of II UG NME-LIS students and has been accepted by - World’s Largest Online Library for Print Disabled (Divyangjan), Benetech, California, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
♦ "Vasikka Vanga" S.S.S.M.SELVARAJAN-MEENATCHI Rolling Shield launched for ONE DAY STATE LEVEL INTER COLLEGIATE LIBRARY CARNIVAL in the year 2018 and is organized every year sponsored by VVVC Managing Board.
♦ "VVVC LIB FEST" ONE DAY INTRA COLLEGIATE LIBRARY CARNIVAL conducted every year for our college students sponsored by VVVC Managing Board.
♦ Non Major Elective course - Library and Information Science course incepted for II year Under Graduate students from the year 2019 and is conducted every year.
♦ Proficiency Prizes and Certificates are awarded for NME - Library and Information Science every year.
♦ NDLI activities such as guest lectures, hands on training, competitions etc., related to e-Resources are conducted periodically.
♦ is our anti plagiarism premium tool for enchancing research publications.
♦ Library hour to impart knowledge on current affairs.
♦ Pioneer in using FOSS (Free Open Source Software) for automation, digitization, website creation.
♦ Open Access System.
♦ WebOPACs (Web Online Public Access Catalog).
♦ Premium member of UGC-NLIST, DELNET, AMAZON KINDLE UNLIMITED, Life Positive (e-Zine), Science Reporter (Science e-Zine).
♦ Institutional member in, the world’s largest online library for Print Disabled from California, USA.
♦ Institutional member in National Digital Library of India (NDLI).
♦ Remote access to e-resources.
♦ NPTEL Video Lectures.
♦ Knowledge sharing service to other institutions.
♦ Linked to lot of electronic secondary sources and databases.
♦ e-Gate (Automated gate entry system).
♦ "Best Library User Awards" to frequent users.
♦ Part - V - Library and Information Science Course.
♦ "KNOW YOUR LIBRARY" Exhibition.
♦ Book Expo.
♦ Organizing Guest Lecture for Part - V LIS Students.
♦ “Earn While You Learn” scheme implemented to help the needy students.
♦ Using the dedicated DIVYANGJAN system, the DIVYANGJAN are writing and submitting their assignment in online as electronic format to their mentors.
♦ Awareness programmes for DIVYANGJAN through
♦ Dedicated systems for research scholars.
♦ “Career Launcher” section for competitive examination candidates.
♦ “Project Premkumar Reading Marathon” in collaboration with Rotary Club of Virudhunagar.
♦ Awarded as Best Club by NDLI.
♦ Over 4 Lakh visitors in the library blog.
♦ IRs and Summative Question papers in library website.
♦ Participating in "VEEQUBE FUN FAIR" by conducting game events every year.
Total Number of Books: 67571
Total Number of Gift Books: 3282
Total Number of VVVC Managing Board Major/Minor Research Project Books: 57
Total Number of UGC Major/Minor Research Project Books: 1093