iconofficevvvc2014@gmail.com, officevvvc@vvvcollege.org


Assistant Professor
Department of Information Technology
Academic Qualifications
  •   Ph.D.
    Year of Passing : 2017

     Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil

  •   M.Sc., Computer Science & Information Technology
    Year of Passing : 2008

     V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar

Dr. KALAVATHI J, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar, 8 years, 8 months
Research Area
Social Network Analysis
Journal Publication
An Efficient Evolutionary Approach for Identifying Evolving Groups in Dynamic Social Networks sing Genetic Modeling”, Vol.57, pp.428-437 Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier (SCOPUS Indexed) [ISSN: 1877-0509]
“Evolutionary Web Inference Model for Prediction of User Interest in Dynamic Multimode Networks”  International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security., Vol. 14(9), pp .641-649 (Impact Factor : 0.519) [ISSN: 1947-5500]
“A Trusted Behaviour Learning for Interest Prediction in Social Ontology Based on Weighted Graph “ Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Review., Vol.1(1), pp.34-40 [ISSN : 0128-2905]
Paper Presentation
“Social Ontology for Behavior Learning in Interest Prediction using Social Graph and Density Measures”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical Computer
Science and Discrete Mathematics (ICTCSDM 2016), Organized by Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil, Tamilnadu, India. During 20 and 21 Jan 2017
Evolving Groups Identification in Dynamic Multimode Networks”, Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Advances in Computing Technology (AICT)-2014., St.Joseph College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Chennai, Tamilnadu. pp. 62, 19th and 20th March 2014
Courses taught at UG level
Programming in C
Programming in C++
Data Structures
Database Management Systems
Data Mining
Cloud Computing
Software Engineering
Programming in Java
Courses taught at PG level
Artificial Intelligence
BigData Analytics
Internet of Things
Awards / Recognitions / Achievements
Kamarajar Award, (2021), Rotary Club of Virudhunagar, Virudhunagar