iconofficevvvc2014@gmail.com, officevvvc@vvvcollege.org

College Extension Service

College Extension Service

        The aim of higher education is to take the light of knowledge to the society at large. To implement this, we have constituted the Extension Service Centre with the Principal as the Chairman and two faculty members as the Co-ordinators. The objectives are to develop scientific thinking among rural school children, to impart job-oriented skills to rural womenfolk and to popularise Government Schemes and to inculcate healthy practices in them.

  • To promote the activities related to the development of the society and conservation of environment.
  • To provide supplementary education to the rural students all out of school learning for the curriculum subjects.
  • To teach and train the masses to become an entrepreneur which contribute to the betterment of their life source.
  • To inculcate organisational skills and leadership qualities in the student community.

     Dr. R.Radhalakshmi
     Dr. N.Amuthavalli
     Dr. J. Suganyalakshmi



Awareness Program on Insurance Awareness and Job Opportunities


Free Eye camp


Training on Production of Chemical-based Consumer Products


Teaching Basic Grammar and Functional English


Awareness Program on Animal and Human Health and Hygiene