Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal
Alagappa University, Karaikudi
University Grant Commission
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore |
| Assistant Professor, V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar, 29 years, 2 months |
| V.P.M.M. College for Women, Krishnankovil, 5 months |
| Sri Saradha Niketan College for Women, Karur, 1 year 9 months |
| Pattern Recognition |
| Fundamentals of Unix & Shell Programming, ISBN: 81-903274-3-7, 2008, World Book Publications, Chennai |
| Basic Data Structures using C++, ISBN: 81-903274-4-5, 2008, World Book Publications, Chennai |
| Database Management Systems, ISBN: 81-903274-5-32008, World Book Publications, Chennai |
| N. Santhi, K. Annbuselvi & S. Sivakumar, An Efficient Gabor Scale Average (GSA) based PCA to LDA Feature Extraction of Face and Gait Cues for Multimodal Classifier, Springer’s book series “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” - Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision: Proceedings of ICICV-2021, ISBN: 2194-5357, Book Series: 978-981-19-0474-5, 2022, Springer’s |
| N. Santhi, K. Annbuselvi & S. Sivakumar, A Proficient Feature Extraction of Face and Gait Cues using Local Gabor Scale Average Binary Patterns (GSA-LBP) for Multimodal Recognition, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems Springer Book Series, Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies, Publisher: Springer, ISBN: 978-981-99-3485-0, pp 783–798 |
| Annbuselvi K, Santhi N, (2017). Intelligence of Fusing Face and Gait in Multimodal Biometric System: A Contemporary Study, International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Open Access, Volume X, Issue X, ISSN: 2347-8578 |
| K. Annbuselvi, N. Santhi & S. Sivakumar. (2018). Role of Feature Extraction Techniques: PCA and LDA for Appearance Based Gait Recognition, International journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE) Open Access, Volume-6, Issue-4, ISSN:2347-2693 |
| N. Santhi, K. Annbuselvi & S. Sivakumar. (2018), Performance Analysis of Feature Extraction Techniques: PCA and LDA for Face Recognition, International journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE) Open Access, Vol 5, Issue 3, 2394-2320 |
| Annbuselvi K, Santhi N & Sivakumar S. (2022). Region Based Feature Fusion of Imperfect Face and Gait Cues for human recognition using Median-LBPF and Median-LBPG based PCA followed by LDA, International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science. Volume 11, Issue 01, Page No. 25483-25492, ISSN: 2319-7242 |
| Annbuselvi K, Santhi N & Sivakumar S. (2022). A Competent Multimodal Recognition using Imperfect Region based Face and Gait cues using Median-LBPF and Median-LBPG based PCA followed by LDA, Science Direct, Elsevier, Materialstoday: Proceedings, Volume 62, Part 7, Pages 4869-4879, ISSN: 2214-7853, |
| Santhi N, Annbuselvi K & Sivakumar S. (2022). Multimodal Recognition using dominant region of imperfect face and gait cues using Median-LBPF and Median-LBPG based PCA followed by LDA, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Engineering Research and Innovations – (ICERI 2022), ISBN : 978-93-92105-03-6 |
| Region Based Segmentation of Medical Images, 2007, An AICTE sponsored National Conference on RECENT TRENDS IN IT-07, Árul Anandar College, Karumathur |
| Segmentation of Skin Tumor, 2008, National Conference, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi |
| Segmentation of Medical Images, 2008, National Conference, Fatima College for Women, Madurai |
| Santhi N, 2017, Excellences of Combining Gait and Face in Multimodal Biometric System: A Contemporary Study, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2017), Eswar Engineering College, Coimbatore |
| Santhi N, 2018, Intelligence of Fusing Face and Gait in Multimodal Biometric System: A Contemporary Study, National Conference Computational Methods, Communication Techniques & Informatics (NCCCI 2017), The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram. Dindigul |
| Santhi N, 2018, Role of Feature Extraction Techniques: PCA and LDA for Appearance Based Gait Recognition, International Conference on Computer Vision, Networks and Informatics (ICCVNI 2018), The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul |
| Santhi N, 2019, An Efficient Principal Component Analysis based Feature Extraction with different Similarity Distance Classifier for Appearance based Face Recognition, International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Modelling and Computing Techniques (ICDSMMCT), The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul |
| Santhi N, 2021, An Efficient Gabor Scale Average (GSA) based PCA to LDA Feature Extraction of Face and Gait Cues for Multimodal Classifier, International Conference on Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision (ICICV-2021), Manipal University, Jaipur - 303007. Rajasthan through Online |
| Santhi N, 2022, A Competent Multimodal Recognition using Imperfect Region based Face and Gait cues using Median-LBPF and Median-LBPG based PCA followed by LDA, International Conference on Innovative Technology for Sustainable Development (ICITSD-2022), Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai through Online |
| Annbuselvi K, 2022, Multimodal Recognition using dominant region of imperfect face and gait cues using Median-LBPF and Median-LBPG based PCA followed by LDA, 7th International Conference on Engineering Research and Innovations – (ICERI 2022), Terna Engineering College (TEC), Nerul, Navi, Mumbai through online |
| Santhi N, 2022, Fusion of LBP and Median LBP for Dominant Region based Multimodal Recognition using Imperfect Face and Gait Cues, 7th International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks (CHSN-2022), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada through online |
| Santhi N, 2023, A Proficient Feature Extraction of Face and Gait Cues using Local Gabor Scale Average Binary Patterns (GSA-LBP) for Multimodal Recognition, 5th International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCCT 2023), Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur through online |
| Proramming in C++ |
| Java Programming |
| Operating Systems |
| Database Management Systems |
| Unix & Shell Programming |
| Digital Electronics |
| Data Structures |
| Relational Database Management Systems |
| Compiler Design |
| Big Data Analytics |
| Unix & Shell Programming |
| Multimedia Systems |
| ISSN International Award 2022 under the title "INTERNATIONAL BEST RESEARCHER AWARD" for the research "A competent multimodal recognition using imperfect region based face and gait cues using Median-LBPF and Median-LBPG based PCA followed by LDA |
| Subject Expert, Board of Studies of the Department of Computer Science, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi |
| Subject Expert, Board of Studies of the Department of Computer Science, Fatima College for Women, Madurai |