iconofficevvvc2014@gmail.com, officevvvc@vvvcollege.org

Planning Forum

Planning Forum

        The Principal is the President of the Planning Forum. A staff member from the Commerce Department is the Vice-President and she is assisted by a team of staff members. The Secretary and the Joint Secretary of the forum are selected from the final year students. The main aim of the forum is to make the students and the people around as plan- conscious. It encourages students and the public to save money and popularize Government Schemes and create awareness through audio visual aids and lectures. It helps the students to get their permanent driving license, passport and Voter’s ID.

  • Carrying out the students' requirements without expectation
  • Fulfilling the desires of the students, wherever they are.
  • Creating low-fee opportunities
  • Providing opportunities for students to benefit their future
  • shortening the time wastage of students

     Mrs. P.Aruljothi, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.,
     Mrs. J.Papitha Mary, M.Com (CA).,M.Phil.,